21 February 2020

Power of guessing

I am staying away from my home for 8 long years. Though I am not a very good cook but I enjoy having meals cooked by me and frankly speaking it saves me money and it's good for my health, as they say "home cooked food is best for your health". Usually I go to local vegetable shops to buy vegetables. In Sabji Mandi they sell vegetables at a cheaper rate but it will take at least a good indepth knowledge to identify things from so many variety of vegetables and pulses, which I don't have and not even interested to acquire that skill. So, I use to go to local vegetable shops which have clearly identifiable vegetables for me. Generally I use to buy things like putting 10 to 12 pieces of potatoes or onions in the basket and asking to weigh it to the shop owner and give it and to make the calculation in a round off figure I ask to give 5 rupees of coriander leaves or ginger and then pay the money and return back to my place feeling satisfied and I am doing this for years. Sometimes if I find a new item in the vegetable shop I scan it thoroughly and store it in my memory and after coming to my place I google it to know the exact name of that particular vegetable and the process of making it. Generally I don't ask to the shopkeeper about that thing as I don't want to sound like a stupid apprentice infront of the other customers. I know those who have the skill and energy to do vegetable shopping properly will criticize me brutally for not trying to learn this "simple" thing of doing vegetable shopping by following the proper methodology.
Yesterday I tried the proper methodology of buying vegetables for the first time and I am very proud of it. I asked the price of every item and give as per my requirement and I can say it proudly that finally I learned it. When it came to the time of cucumber, I asked the price and the shop owner told me 40 rupees per kg and suddenly I tried the guessing trick and told the shop owner "किया भाइया खीरा तो अभी 30 रूपए भाव चल रहा है" . Though I was not so sure about it but I stick to my word confidently. Meantime shop owner's wife came and he ask the price of cucumber to his wife with doubt. She replied it is 32 rupees per kg. I applied my negotiation skill and both of us were agreed on 30 rupees per kg. It may be a simple act of buying vegetables, infact for some there is nothing great in it, but it taught me the power of guessing. Even I learned the confidence of communicating with people in a topic that I am not so good or sure about. I leaned that it is always good to try different methodologies, as who knows what new thing you may take to your home from it.    

P.S.- It is better to have open mind and heart to learn new things and give it a try, you never know when you will gain an important lesson from a very simple act  

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